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Vignettes of the Month

Hi. It is time for December's edition of Vignettes of the Month. I sure do love a good vignette, what about you!?! Vignettes are a star in the space when you look at them, a deliberate and beautiful focal point. They also add to the overall appeal of a room and are even more appreciated when you look at them in the context of everything in the surrounding area.

Here are this month's beauties.

The desk, with its small piece of pottery, small sculpture, painted box, and lamp create a stunning vignette. The large potted flower and box underneath the desk add extra layers of beauty. The pulled sheer and open paisley drapes offer a finishing touch that is exquisite.

The vignette created atop the antique chest in this nursery is utterly charming. I love the sophistication of the artwork mixed with the vintage elements on top of the chest. Beautiful.

How can you go wrong with two blue and white jars in a vignette? You cannot! I love the symmetry of the artwork around the mirror and the mix of modern and old in this space. Lovely.

This vignette has a lot going on. I usually favor simpler vignettes, this one speaks to me though. It is a starry night vignette - the more you look, the more you see. Every time you look at this wall, table, and space below you are bound to notice a new treasure.

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The vignette created on this chest is stunning. The black and white color scheme, layered artwork, simple lamp, and aged mirror as the backdrop are fantastic. This entire space is filled with "moments" actually - the contrasting fabrics, the natural edge for the coffee table, the bust, artwork on the walls and secretary desk are all gorgeous.

I love everything about this vignette. It is simple and stunning. Vignette goals.

I will be back tomorrow with December's edition of Wallpaper Love. See you then!

Thank you for dropping in today,





Hi, I’m Kerry, a true lover of all things home design.  Thank you for stopping by to check in on the journey.  Please feel free to reach out to me, I love to talk design!

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