On Trend Tuesday
Hello. Today I have another trend of sorts to share. I have been seeing this particular type of design element more and more of late, especially in bathrooms. What is that element, you ask? Curvy mirrors, I reply. Mirrors are morphing from rectangle and oval shapes in to all sorts of expressive and curvy forms. Take a look!
The first three are quite modern.
Romanek Design Studio, photo source
Belousova Interior, photo source
This set of curvy/angular mirrors looks particularly futuristic to me. In my mind, I am pretending it is a luxury suite in a space craft!
Crystal Sinclair Designs, photo source
Minimal mirror curves here in this much more traditional bathroom. These large, decorative mirrors are a lovely choice to cover up the windows and still see beauty.
Dakota Willimon, photo source
The stone on the sink under this curvy mirror is incredible.
Montana Labelle Design, photo source
These next two bathrooms overall are quite traditional and their curvy mirrors add an attractive twist.
Heidi Caillier Design, photo source
House Seven Design+Build, photo source
The rounded top mirror in this bathroom softens the vertical and horizontal lines of the bead board wainscoting, window grilles, and vanity. The wallpaper brings it all together too! Lovely.
House Seven Design+Build, photo source
The curves on this mirror play very nicely with the scroll-y wallpaper.
Marea Clark Interiors, photo source
The curvy mirror and curvy wicker sconce in this bathroom look royal to me - a crest and a crown. Do you see it? So pretty.
Heidi Caillier Design, photo source
Here are some curves outside of the bedroom for you!
I really like the mix of scales here - tall (Papa Bear) mantel, little sconces and vase (Baby Bear) with the just right (Mama Bear) mirror to bring it all together :-).
Studio Ludd, photo source
I do not know if I could get any work done at this desk with the beckoning view in the mirror!
Ariel Okin, photo source
The simplicity and sizing of this mirror is perfect in this room.
This entire space is so pretty. The classic "bones" are complemented by the accessories - light fixtures in both spaces and the curvy mirror in the bedroom. Do you think the mirror is magically slimming!?! On a side note, I love the tile pattern on the bathroom floor.
Have you been seeing curvy mirrors a lot lately too? Do you like them? There are many, many options, something for everyone to customize this look and be "on trend" rather than "on repeat". Interpretation is so much more fun than replication, isn't it!?!
I will be back tomorrow with a Food For Thought post. See you then.
Thank you for being here today,